Recents in Beach

Download the book Cypher Revolution Author: Eileen Sharp for free

Download the book Cypher Revolution Author: Eileen Sharp for free

Book Description

Joshua survives a crash landing but has no memories of who he is or where he came from. He is adopted into a loving family and begins a new life, putting his unknown past behind him. When a shadow war erupts and threatens the alliance of the planetary colonies his past suddenly becomes something he and his family can\'t ignore. With unusual abilities and a lot of questions that need to be answered, Joshua finds his past rushing to catch up with him.

 My sincere gratitude for my husband, Richard, for believing, supporting and encouraging me year after year after year! Special thanks to my sister Amy for her savvy insights on shaping this story and her enthusiasm for making it happen. Thank you also to my brilliant and talented editor, Alyssa. Your wordy ways and painstaking attention to detail were vitally necessary! And to my wonderfully gifted cover artist, Lindsay. Everything you touch becomes magic! Thank you for sharing your talents with me.

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JOSHUA STOOD IN THE WRECKAGE of what used to be a ship, staring out into the

night. Pieces of the crash were everywhere, from shards of plastiglass to remnants of

the cockpit. Scattered cargo containers littered the ground, most of them cracked, some of them crushed under each other. Though his mind rapidly collected details of

the crash, nothing he observed told him anything important. He didn’t know why he was on the ship or where it had been going, nor did he remember the impact. Even

more disturbing, he didn’t know who he was. In the distance, he heardthe whine of other engines approaching. Stumbling out of

the debris, he climbed the hill. The roar of ships grew louder and lights burst over the

hill, blinding him. He put up shaking hands to ward off the glare. Shadowy figures emerged in the swirling dust, and soon Joshua found himself

surrounded by medics and security police, all in the chaos of engine noise, commands, and questions. He didn’t recognize their uniforms, but they all spoke Common. The transports they used were intraplanetary class, not designed for space travel. His mind registered this and the fact that none of them were equipped with weapons. He wondered how he knew that or why that particular bit of information

stood out to him. A medic found him andled him into one of the transports. The bright interior made

him blink, but he could see the hull was constructed with hexagonal shapes and the

dominant color was a sterile white. He caught his thin, gangly reflection in the wide windows that spanned the hull.

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